In a seasonal survey of parents and carers by the e-commerce platform Groupon, more than half (55%) reported having Christmas dinner interrupted by someone’s phone or other device – while almost two-thirds (64%) said that there’s invariably at least one family member who can’t bring themselves to put their phone down or switch their console off over the festive break.
Of course, smartphones and suchlike can be invaluable for Christmas catch-ups with friends and family or for coordinating Yuletide gatherings – but that doesn’t mean they have to dominate the rest of the holiday! Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has expert tips for keeping screen-time under control so your family can get on with making wonderful Christmas memories together.
You might have read the above and assumed we meant parents being frustrated about children going online over Christmas … but actually, grown-ups are just as reliant on their devices. In fact, the survey found 72% of parents check their phone before a single present’s been opened on Christmas morning; more than half admit to using social media more frequently over the holiday.
So modelling healthy behaviour around your phone and laptop during the festive season is essential, too. With winter walks, classic family story time and making your own decorations among the tech-dodging tips in this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide, we hope you’ll find some inspiration for reducing the amount of screen-time in your household this Christmas!