Dear Parent / Carer,
Our summer assessment weeks are taking place from the 19th June for Ks3 and from the 26th June for Year 10. Please see the timetables below which show exactly when each assessment for each year group will take place.Â
As with the tests sat previously in January, each will be taken in one of our examination halls and will be sat under full test conditions. For this round of assessments, students will be sitting tests in English, Maths and Science in Y7-8 and in English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics in Y9-10. Students will be provided with a knowledge organiser for each subject in which they will be sitting a test and these will contain all of the course content that will be covered. Students are expected to use these knowledge organisers to help them to revise and prepare for each of their tests. There will also be revision material assigned to the students in their subject rooms in Google Classroom. Revision can be a daunting thing to do and to support all of our students there is a link on our website for a series of guides on how to effectively revise for tests and exams (https://dukes.ncea.org.uk/student-hub/revision-tips-and-ideas/). Although some of the resources on the webpage are aimed at Y11, they still contain lots of ideas and tips to ensure that students of all ages develop their skills and effectiveness in this area. There is also some advice on how, as parents, you can support your child with revision.
The main idea behind these assessments is to ensure that students experience as much practice as possible in the sitting of controlled tests so that by the time they come to sit their final exams at the end of Year 11 they are familiar with and confident in the examination and revision process and are in a position to perform to their potential. The results of these assessments will also help to inform the school of the progress of the students in key subjects and will help us to ensure that they are receiving the correct provision and support. Results of the tests will be reported to parents after each of the assessment periods. Please be aware that outcomes may result in some students moving classes for next academic year to ensure that they are receiving the correct levels of support.Â
Yours sincerely,
Ben Line
Deputy Principal
Celebrity cachet can send engagement stratospheric (Cristiano Ronaldo, Kylie Jenner and Selina Gomez all have hundreds of millions of followers) but previous unknowns like Lele Pons, Charli D’Amelio and Addison Rae have also successfully built their follower count to around the 50 million mark â allowing them to charge (according to some estimates) north of $100,000 per post.
Much of this wealth, of course, is unlocked by entering into partnerships with various brands â which then raises all manner of questions about some influencersâ authenticity. Is their praise for certain products genuine, or simply because theyâve been paid for their endorsement? Â
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Congratulations to Chloe Smith from Year 7 who won a National Online Languages competition!!! Chloe wrote this beautiful song in Gaelic, about the sadness of the Gaelic language disappearing from Scottish culture, and submitted it to the British Council’s ‘Festival of Language’ competition in February. They were so impressed that Chloe was invited to perform the song at an online event, with only 7 other people throughout the world being among the winners! She was amazing!!! Well done Chloe.
Controversial changes to WhatsAppâs privacy policy back in 2021 was a major shot in the arm for Telegram, as millions of users began searching for a more secure messaging platform. Indeed, Telegram is so confident in its resistance to hacks that itâs previously set challenges (with a prize of up to $300,000) to any user whoâs able to crack its encryption.
Telegram isn’t new, but it’s grown significantly in popularity over recent years, due to its secure nature and speedier performance than many of its competitors, including WhatsApp. Whilst Telegram is an excellent app in terms of actual performance, like any other messaging platform it brings its own challenges for parents and carers when it comes to feeling confident about children being able to handle their own messaging conversations and contact with the outside world in general.
With protected âsecret chatsâ and self-deleting messages, however, Telegramâs security advantage has also been subverted by criminals using the app to trade stolen data, share child sexual exploitation material and arrange drug deals. As Telegramâs popularity continues to grow, our #WakeUpWednesday guide tells trusted adults what they need to be aware of.
Dear Student / Parent,
The Dukesâ Year 11 Revision Timetable is now live on the school website. To access it, please follow the link below or go to the school website / Student Hub / Revision Timetable.
Revision Timetable | Duke’s School (ncea.org.uk)
The timetable shows the dates and times of all revision sessions over the summer exam period, 15/5/2023 to 21/6/2023. These revision sessions will provide an opportunity for teachers to present last minute instruction, revision and advice before each exam and for that reason, all students are expected to attend the sessions for which they are taking an exam.
Students will be in full time school as normal up until we break for the half term holiday on Friday 26th May, so revision sessions up to this time will form a part of the normal school day. Once students return to school on Monday 5th June they will only be expected to attend when they have their usual timetabled English or Maths lessons or any of the revision sessions shown on the timetable. Once the final English and Maths exams have taken place (the last English exam is Monday 12/6/23, the last Maths exam is Wednesday 14/6/23) students will only be expected to attend school for their remaining revision sessions and exams.
In addition to the timetabled revision sessions, before each exam there will be an additional short revision session put on by the Head of Subject to remind the students of some of the key learning and skills they will need to exhibit in that paper. These will all take place in the Main Hall and students will afterwards be sent directly to their exam. Students should ensure that they are in school at least half an hour before their exam starts so that they can attend these important last minute support sessions.
May I take this opportunity to wish you well for the coming exam period and remind you that there is plenty of revision material available on subject Google Classrooms to support preparation for each exam. We also have plenty of tips and advice for effective and successful revision for each subject on our website for students to access. There is also a more general guide on revision techniques and a guide for parents on how you can best support your child through the exam period. You can access these by following the link below.
And finally, remember that every success starts with the decision to try.
Good luck.
Mr Line
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