Dear Parent/Carer
Year 11 Parents’/Carers Evening and Duke’s Sixth Form Open Evening – Wednesday 2 November 2022

Students in Year 11 will shortly be submitting applications for the courses they wish to study post 16.
To support them with this decision, Duke’s Sixth Form will be holding an Open Evening on Wednesday 2 November 2022 between 4.00pm and 6.00pm. The Open Evening will take place alongside the usual Year 11 Parents’/Carers Evening.

This will give you the opportunity to:-
 Discuss your child’s progress and any concerns you may have regarding specific subjects
 Speak to the Head of Year and Year 11 Raising Achievement Team
 Find out what Duke’s Sixth Form could offer your child in September 2023
 Speak with subject staff and current students about courses on offer next year
 Receive personal advice from senior staff to ensure the correct post 16 pathway for your child
 Speak to our careers team about post 16 options including sixth form, college and

There are no specific appointment times. You will be given a sheet with locations of staff who teach your child on arrival as well as a copy of the Duke’s Sixth Form interim prospectus.
We look forward to welcoming all parents/carers and students to showcase what Duke’s Sixth Form has to offer.


Yours sincerely


Mrs D Towers
Head of Sixth Form & Careers