Dear Parent / Carer,

Our summer assessment weeks are taking place from the 27th June for Ks3 and from the 5th July for Year 10. Please see the timetables below which show exactly when each assessment for each year group will take place.
As with the tests sat previously in January, each will be taken in one of our examination halls and will be sat under full test conditions. Students have been provided with a knowledge organiser for each subject in which they will be sitting a test and these contain all of the course content that will be covered. Students are expected to use these knowledge organisers to help them to revise and prepare for each of their tests. Revision can be a daunting thing to do and to support all of our students there is a link on our website for a guide on how to effectively revise for tests and exams ( Although some of these are aimed at Y11, they still contain lots of ideas and tips to ensure that students of all ages develop their skills and effectiveness in this area. There is also some advice on how, as parents, you can support your child with revision.
The main idea behind these assessments is to ensure that students experience as much practice as possible in the sitting of controlled tests so that by the time they come to sit their final exams at the end of Year 11 they are familiar and confident in the examination and revision process and are in a position to perform to their potential. The results of these assessments will also help to inform the school of the progress of the students in key subjects and will help us to ensure that they are receiving the correct provision and support. Results of the tests will be reported to parents after each of the assessment periods. Outcomes may result in some students moving classes to ensure that they are receiving the correct levels of support.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Line
Deputy Principal