Our curriculum is designed to provide a range of subjects that allow our students to progress onto the next stages of their education or onto the career pathway of their choice.

Whether your ambition is to progress onto university study, or a career or apprenticeship pathway, the subjects you will be required to take will be found within our curriculum. One result of the breadth of curriculum that we offer is that an increasing number of our students are progressing on to top universities.  We are also particularly proud of our overall progression figures which show that the number of our students who progress directly into either further education, employment or training are consistently one of the highest in the county.

The results that our students achieve are also a major factor in their ability to progress on to great destinations post-16 with our vocational results in particular being consistently among the highest in the country. These reasons mean that there has never been a better time to join Duke’s Sixth Form. You really don’t have to travel far to get ahead.

Introducing Duke’s Sixth Form

The time has come for students to consider what their destination will be following year 11. Watch the video below to find out more about Duke’s Sixth Form and why we believe “you don’t have to travel far to get ahead”.

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Key Stage 5 Curriculum Overview

To select the correct curriculum, students need to take into account their predicted attainment 8 score. They will follow a programme of either two double or four single or one double and two single courses at L3.

Choosing this subject combination is the most important decision that students have yet made in your education. Any decisions need to be researched carefully including finding out more about the subjects by reading the prospectus and / or by talking to the staff who teach those subjects. Students should also consider if their subject choices match their future ambitions, whether that be employment or university. A conversation with any members of the Duke’s Sixth Form or Careers Team will help you to make an informed choice.

If students move into Duke’s Sixth Form and have not passed GCSE English and/or Maths with at least a grade 4 then it is now a mandatory requirement that they re-sit these qualifications. These subjects are vital for entry into university or employment.

How to choose the right course for you

With a wide range of subjects and course types available, from A Levels to vocational and technical qualifications, choosing your options for post-16 study can be daunting! To help you discover more about the qualifications on offer at Duke’s Sixth Form, our teaching staff have put together a short video playlist to help you make an informed decision.

Click on the button at the top right of the Youtube window below that looks like three lines with 1/18 underneath them to view all of the videos in the playlist.

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You can also find more information about all of the qualifications on offer at Duke’s Sixth Form in our prospectus which you can view and download below.

You can click here to download the PDF file.