Very proud to share that a group of Duke’s Secondary Students have won the club heat of the PL Inspires Challenge.
The PL Inspires Challenge is a National Competition that football club’s engaging in PL Inspires around England enter, having a designated team to represent them. The competition see’s teams set a challenge around a specific topic and teams have to design, implement and put a social action project in place to tackle the issue. This years topic that students have to create their social action project around is ‘Protect the Planet’
Alongside other local secondary schools, two groups of Duke’s Students participated in the heat. They completed a session to design their social action project idea and then presented to a panel of judges.
One of the groups from Duke’s Secondary were selected as winners to represent Newcastle United Foundation at the regional and national finals later in the year.
Well Done Girls, now the hard work starts as we bring the project to life!