Controversial changes to WhatsApp’s privacy policy back in 2021 was a major shot in the arm for Telegram, as millions of users began searching for a more secure messaging platform. Indeed, Telegram is so confident in its resistance to hacks that it’s previously set challenges (with a prize of up to $300,000) to any user who’s able to crack its encryption.
Telegram isn’t new, but it’s grown significantly in popularity over recent years, due to its secure nature and speedier performance than many of its competitors, including WhatsApp. Whilst Telegram is an excellent app in terms of actual performance, like any other messaging platform it brings its own challenges for parents and carers when it comes to feeling confident about children being able to handle their own messaging conversations and contact with the outside world in general.
With protected ‘secret chats’ and self-deleting messages, however, Telegram’s security advantage has also been subverted by criminals using the app to trade stolen data, share child sexual exploitation material and arrange drug deals. As Telegram’s popularity continues to grow, our #WakeUpWednesday guide tells trusted adults what they need to be aware of.