We aim to create a school learning environment where pupils feel secure, valued and are encouraged to talk in the knowledge that they will be listened to. We have a number of staff who have roles dedicated to ensuring that children are safe and those who are able to support in a range of different ways. We also work in partnership with the NHS, CYPS, and other agencies to support our young people where those needs cannot be met by the school.
Within Duke’s Secondary School and Duke’s Sixth Form we have Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSLs), and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs). Any concerns should be reported to either Mrs L Chapman in the first instance, or if unavailable, to Mrs Spratt, Miss Ireland, Miss Graham or Mrs Towers – Sixth Form. Parents/Carers can reach these staff via the switchboard on 01670 816 111.
- Further safeguarding information for schools within the NCEA Trust can be found here
- Safeguarding policies and appendices can be found here.
Key Safeguarding Contacts

All Safeguarding Leads can be contacted either face to face in school, by telephone on 01670 816 111 or via email:
Lindsey Chapman lindsey.chapman@dukes.ncea.org.uk
If you have a concern about a member of staff or an adult who works with children please contact the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) Louise Prudhoe on: 07500 606174 or via email: lado@northumberland.gov.uk