Dear Parent / Carer,
It has been brought to our attention that there has been a mistake in our option blocks which have indicated that there is a Core ICT provision. This is not the case and we would like to offer our sincere apologies for any confusion caused by this. If students would like to continue with learning about ICT into Y10 and Y11 then they will need to choose it as their option in Block 2 (Cambridge National ICT). This mistake has now been rectified and the option form is now correct. If your child has already filled in their option blocks and now need to change as a result of this information then please ask them to see either Mrs Spratt, Ms Gatti or Mr Line and we will be happy to help.
We would also like to remind you that there is a virtual Option Support Evening on the 13th and 14th March where you can speak to a member of the options team about subject combinations if your child needs support. The link to use to make a booking through the SchoolCloud system has been sent to you in a previous correspondence.
Once again, apologies for any confusion caused by our mistake.
The Y9 Option Team