Wednesday 6th April
World Book Day was celebrated in Duke’s on Wednesday 6th April. Across all lessons students heard staff reading a ‘squashed’ version of 20,000 Leagues under the Sea by Jules Verne. Additionally, there were lots of tutor-time activities such as quizzes and staff sharing what they are currently reading. There were also games such as guess the staff ‘shelfie’ and desert island book pile.

All students have access to a bespoke Duke’s World Book Day activity sheet through their English Google Classroom – this has links to two competitions, all the resources shared across the day, recommended reads and masterclasses from authors and illustrators.
Finally, Duke’s English hosted two reading reward tea parties – for students who have demonstrated excellent reading habits this year. Some of these are: reading over a million words on Accelerated Reader, withdrawing the most books in their year group (both from Duke’s library and eplatform), reading challenging texts, engaging in extra reading every day in the library or at home and sharing. Parents were invited to the KS3 event and both groups spent an hour exploring the library, chatting about books and enjoying an afternoon tea.