– Monday, Period 5: Year 7
– Tuesday, Period 5: Year 8
– Wednesday, Period 5: Year 10
– Thursday, Period 5: Year 9
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With an all-time peak of 2.1 million concurrent players, Palworld rose to prominence after its release earlier this year on PC and Xbox, resonating in particular with the younger audience – both those who saw their favourite influencers playing it and those who bought the game themselves.
Despite its light-hearted presentation and cartoonish art style, Palworld has been noted for its mature references that could be inappropriate for children. What’s more, the presence of online multiplayer and the potential for interacting with strangers can pose further online safety risks. This week, we’re bringing you expert advice on how to protect young people from the concerns associated with Palworld.
A study from the University of Michigan reviewed 135 different apps aimed at children and found that 100% of free apps and 88% of paid apps (many of which were labelled ‘educational’), included pop-up advertisements With some pop-ups being associated with deceptive marketing and potential scams, it can be concerning to see just how prevalent these online features are.
Despite the risks pop-up advertising poses to people online – especially children – there is plenty you can do to minimise the threat. This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide explains the safety concerns of pop-ups in detail and lets you know how to help children and young people enjoy their time online, without worrying about being taken in by such marketing.
Dear Parent / Carer,
Our Y10 Progress Assessment week for this academic year is taking place from the 24th June 2024. Please see the timetable below which shows exactly when each assessment will take place.
The students will have sat these style of tests a number of times now and should be familiar with the process. Students have been provided with a revision guide which includes information on what to revise for each subject as well as revision materials for each subject in which they will be sitting a test. They will be expected to use these materials independently to revise and prepare for the tests. A link for the guide is provided below:
Preparing for your Y10 Mocks | NCEA Duke’s Secondary School
Revision can be a daunting thing to do so in order to provide some support there is a link on our website for a guide on how to use our school’s Learn > Revise > Test approach to effective revision. This approach has been proven to be the most effective way to revise and students will be supported to get to know the process and be comfortable using it.
Effective Examination Preparation (google.com)
The main idea behind these assessments is to ensure that students experience as much practice as possible in the sitting of controlled tests so that by the time they come to sit their final exams at the end of Year 11 they are familiar and confident in the examination and revision process and are in a position to perform to their potential. The results of these assessments will also help to inform the school of the progress of the students in key subjects and will help us to ensure that they are receiving the correct provision and support. Results of the tests will be reported to parents after each of the assessment periods. Outcomes may result in some students moving classes to ensure that they are receiving the correct levels of support.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Line
Deputy Principal
A study from the British Psychological Society found that the majority of children (71%) had at least one close friend as early as five years old.These connections can form rather quickly and develop with equal speed. At such a young age, it can be remarkable how suddenly two children can hit it off with one another.
However, it is deeply important that children can recognise both the features of a healthy relationship, as well as the potential signs of a less healthy dynamic. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide offers some top tips on reinforcing the formation of healthy friendships among children and young people.