Dear Student / Parent,
The Dukesā Year 11 Revision Timetable is now live on the school website. To access it, please follow the link below or go to the school website / Student Hub / KS4 Revision Tips and Ideas – other information.Ā
The timetable shows the dates and times of all revision sessions over the summer exam period, 3/5/2024 to 20/6/2024. These revision sessions will provide an opportunity for teachers to present last minute instruction, revision and advice before each exam and for that reason, all students are expected to attend the sessions for which they are taking an exam.
Students will be in full time school as normal up until we break for the half term holiday on Friday 24th May, so revision sessions up to this time will form a part of the normal school day. Once students return to school on Monday 3rd June they will only be expected to attend when they have their usual timetabled English or Maths lessons or any of the revision sessions shown on the timetable. Once the final English and Maths exams have taken place (the last English exam is Thursday 6/6/24, the last Maths exam is Monday 10/6/24) students will only be expected to attend school for their remaining revision sessions and exams.
In addition to the timetabled revision sessions, before each exam there will be an additional short revision session put on by the head of subject to remind the students of some of the key learning and skills they will need to exhibit in that paper. These will all take place in the Main Hall and students will afterwards be sent directly to their exam. Students should ensure that they are in school at least half an hour before their exam starts so that they can attend these important last minute support sessions.
May I take this opportunity to wish all students well for the coming exam period and remind them that there is plenty of revision material available on subject Google Classrooms to support preparation for each exam. We also have plenty of tips and advice for effective and successful revision for each subject on our website for students to access. There is also a more general guide on revision techniques and a guide for parents on how you can best support your child through the exam period. You can access these by clicking on the yellow Learn>Revise>Test banner at the top of our website homepage or by following the link below.
And finally, remember that every success starts with the decision to try.
Good luck.